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Questions We Often Answer About Workers’ Compensation And Social Security Disability

At The Pearson Law Firm, addressing our clients’ and potential clients’ concerns is a large part of our role as attorneys. Look over the following questions and answers about work injuries, disabilities and more. Then, let us know what is on your mind.

Can I sue my employer after an injury on the job?

Normally, no. However, you may be able to bring a third-party liability claim against someone other than your employer. That lawsuit will be completely separate from your workers’ compensation claim.

What kinds of benefits apply if I’m injured outside of work?

If you were injured while away from your place of business but were performing work duties, you likely qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. If your injury had no connection to your work, you may be able to file a personal injury claim or tap into your personal health insurance coverage.

No matter where or how you were injured, if you will be unable to work for a year or longer because of disabilities, you may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

What if my claim is denied?

If the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission denies you benefits, your workers’ comp attorney may present additional evidence in a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) or file an appeal in your county’s circuit court.

If Social Security turns down your application for disability benefits, our SSD attorney can help you:

  • Request reconsideration of your application
  • Schedule a hearing before an SSD ALJ
  • Ask for a review by the Social Security Appeals Council
  • Appeal through a federal court

If you feel unable to return to work after being injured or becoming disabled, please do not give up without getting legal advice.

Do I need an attorney to file a claim for benefits?

You do not need legal assistance to file a claim or apply for benefits, but you likely will need a lawyer to represent you if:

  • A workers’ comp insurance carrier denies coverage for necessary medical treatments.
  • Your workers’ comp benefits stop before you can go back to work.
  • Social Security denies your application for benefits even though you are unable to work for a year or longer.
  • Social Security starts but then stops payments for any reason.

Many people turn to The Pearson Law Firm from the start.

Request A Free Consultation. Reach Out By Phone Or Email.

We look forward to explaining how we can help you obtain the workers’ comp or SSD benefits for which you qualify. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 662-793-1697 or email us for a prompt response.